Music therapy has impacted Pennsylvania citizens in truly amazing ways. Here are a few examples of media releases, videos, and articles showcasing the power of music to hear.
Why License Music Therapy?
Dr. Daniel Levitin advocates for why we need to license the profession of music therapy in this article.
Music Therapy in the News
- Gov Wolf PA Partnership--Music Therapy for Health Care Workers:
- Kennedy Center & NIH Collaboration:
- SoundHealth--Music & the Mind:
- Gabby Giffords & Music Therapy (Part I):
- Gabby Giffords & Music Therapy (Part II):
- World News Tonight: MT at Person of the Week:
- Music Therapy Ted Talk: Dr. Defoia Lane:
- PA MT Rally: Here is an article on the 2017 Music Therapy Rally at the PA Capitol.
PA Music Therapy Infograph